#!/bin/bash n=0 for xy in 320,200 512,240 1024,480 1280,640; do n=$(( $n + 1 )) gnuplot << EOF set output "cpms$n.png" set terminal png size $xy set title "IN-FLIGHT RADIATION" set xlabel "flight time [HH:MM]" set y2label "counts per minute" set ylabel "counts per second" set y2range [0:3300] set yrange [0:55] set xdata time set timefmt "%M" set y2tics 300 set ytics 5 set grid set pointsize 0.5 plot "cps.txt" using (\$1/60):(\$2+0.5-rand(0)) with points ls 1 lc rgb 'orange' title "cps" axes x1y1, \ "cpm-smooth.txt" using (\$1/60):2 with lines lc rgb 'blue' lw 3 title "cpm" axes x1y2; EOF done